Helpful Resources

Helpful Links:

Helpful Reading:

  • “On Death and Dying.” Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
  • “Final Gifts: Understanding the Special Awareness, Needs, and Communications of the Dying.” Maggie Callanan
  • “Tuesdays with Morrie.” Mitch Album
  • “How We Die: Reflections on Life’s Final Chapter.” Sherwin B. Nuland

Have a helpful link? Click here to contact us and let us know.

Notice of Privacy Practices


This summary describes how we use and share information about you.  This summary describes how you may see and get copies of this information.

We might use or share information about you for

Treatment. Such as when our physicians and nurses discuss your care.

Payment. Such as when we bill your insurance company for services provided to


Operations. Such as when we work to make the quality of the care we provide           better.  When we give out information about the different services we provide, or       when    we contact community residents to ask for donations.

Other ways. Such as when we send disease reports to county and state health                   officials (this is required by law).  When we provide information to funeral             directors, organ donation groups and researchers.  When we share information to             protect the health and safety of others or you, or when we respond to court requests.  We       also      may send you appointment reminders, greeting cards and newsletters.

How you may see and get copies of this information

            You have the right to:

  • Ask for restrictions on the ways we use and give out your information. However, we are not required to do what you ask.
  • Get and inspect a copy of your health record.
  • Add information to your health record.
  • Ask that your health information be sent to an alternate address or that you be called at an alternate phone number.
  • Change your mind if you told us we could use or share your information for reasons other than those listed above.
  • Get a list of the times we gave out your information. It will be a list of the times that      the law requires us to keep a record of giving out your information.

Our commitment to Respect Privacy

Hospice of Jackson County-Maquoketa is required to:

  • Keep your information private.
  • Let you know if we cannot do what you have asked us to do with your information.
  • Try to reach you at another location or phone number, if you ask us to do so.
  • Use and / or give your information as listed above and as the law permits, unless we have your permission to do more.

As we serve our patients, we at Hospice of Jackson County –Maquoketa may change what we do with your information.  You may call or write to us to check if we have made any changes.  A copy of our updated Notice will be provided to you upon your request.


            If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may voice your complaints to         Hospice of Jackson County-Maquoketa at the address or phone number below.  You also      may complain to the Department of Health and Human Services.  You will not be             mistreated for filing a complaint.

Contact Information

            Hospice of Jackson County

Attn: Board of Directors

PO Box 675 * Maquoketa, IA 52060

Phone: 563-652-0123